
Jelentkezés indiai nemzetközi gyermekszínházi fesztiválra

3 csatolmány

We are proud to announce the "14th INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN’S FESTIVAL FOR PERFORMING ARTS 2016" hosted by the Ryan Foundation, Mumbai, India, from 7th to 10th January 2016.

This festival is a perfect place for children from different parts of the world to unwind their talents in an unfettered manner to their optimal degree of performance. Festival will be a blend of performances, seminars and workshops. The 4-day festival held in Mumbai.  
Over 8000 children from India & other countries will meet to present their ideas, dreams & hopes of the future, their language being drama, action, dance & music. In the past years we had teams from Canada, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Israel, Iran, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Slovenia, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Thailand, United Kingdom, West Indies, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Bangladesh and Venezuela and many more.

For more information kindly visit our website www.ryanicfpa.com

The Festival is hosted and funded by Ryan International Schools founded in 1991 by the St. Xavier’s Group of Schools, who already have a successful track record in imparting quality education since 1976. The group owes its success to the excellent team created by the Founder-Chairman Dr. A. F. Pinto and Managing Director Madam Grace Pinto. 
We are looking for entries from group to participate in our festival and would appreciate your organization’s participation in this festival. We request you to send us the Application form with details about your group and performance via e-mail or feel free to contact us at
Tel Nos.:       0091-9911446620
Fax:               0091-11-26122714
Email:           ryanschool@gmail.com

SzerkesztőJelentkezés indiai nemzetközi gyermekszínházi fesztiválra